On the rectilinear crossing number of complete uniform hypergraphs


Anurag Anshu, Rahul Gangopadhyay, Saswata Shannigrahi, and Satyanarayana Vusirikala. 2/1/2017. “On the rectilinear crossing number of complete uniform hypergraphs.” Computational Geometry, 61, Pp. 38-47. Publisher's Version


In this paper, we consider a generalized version of the rectilinear crossing number problem of drawing complete graphs on a plane. The minimum number of crossing pairs of hyperedges in the d-dimensional rectilinear drawing of a d-uniform hypergraph is known as the d-dimensional rectilinear crossing number of the hypergraph. The currently best-known lower bound on the d-dimensional rectilinear crossing number of a complete d-uniform hypergraph with n vertices in general position in ℝd is Ω(2dd√logd)(n2d). In this paper, we improve this lower bound to Ω(2d)(n2d). We also consider the special case when all the vertices of a d-uniform hypergraph are placed on the d-dimensional moment curve. For such complete d-uniform hypergraphs with n vertices, we show that the number of pairwise crossing hyperedges is Θ(4dd√)(n2d).
Last updated on 11/16/2021