Improved local spectral gap thresholds for lattices of finite dimension


Knabe's theorem lower bounds the spectral gap of a one-dimensional frustration-free local Hamiltonian in terms of the local spectral gaps of finite regions. It also provides a local spectral gap threshold for Hamiltonians that are gapless in the thermodynamic limit, showing that the local spectral gap must scale inverse linearly with the length of the region for such systems. Recent works have further improved upon this threshold, tightening it in the one-dimensional case and extending it to higher dimensions. Here, we show a local spectral gap threshold for frustration-free Hamiltonians on a finite-dimensional lattice that is optimal up to a constant factor that depends on the dimension of the lattice. Our proof is based on the detectability lemma framework and uses the notion of a coarse-grained Hamiltonian (introduced in [Anshu et al., Phys. Rev. B 93, 205142]) as a link connecting the (global) spectral gap and the local spectral gap.
Last updated on 11/16/2021